๐ŸคReferral Program

To bring the Stellum P2E game to the masses, the team built a Referral Program empowering players to earn rewards for successfully inviting people.

Itโ€™s a 5-7-level Referral Program, depending on the NFT Character Level. Referral Rewards are paid out in two cases.

Referral Levels

Stellum players have their personal Referral Link in the dashboardโ€™s โ€œTeamโ€ tab. Each person to join the game with your Referral Link becomes your Level 1 Referral.

5 levels of the RP are available to every player by default. If you have a Level 11-14 NFT Character paired with your account, you gain access to its Level 6. Pairing a Level 15-20 NFT Character, the final Level 7 is unlocked for you.

Level 1 - 5%

Level 2 - 2%

Level 3 - 1%

Level 4 - 1%

Level 5 - 1%

Level 6 - 1% (only available when a Level 11-14 NFT Character is paired with the account)

Level 7 - 1% (only available when a Level 15-20 NFT Character is paired with the account)

Referral Program Rewards

Players earn Referral Rewards in two cases:

  • Referral Purchased Energy

  • Referral Swapped Crystals for Energy

Referral Energy Purchases

Inviting new users to the game, you are rewarded a portion of their Energy purchases directly to your wallet in Crystals.

The Rewards are calculated from the purchase amount in ETH at the current STM exchange rate.

Example: You referred a user that purchased 2 000 000 Energy units (equals 1 ETH). In this case, you get an amount of STM tokens equal to 0.05 ETH

Swapping Crystals

Each Crystals-to-Energy swap by your Referrals earns you an Energy reward.

Example: your Level 1 Referral swapped 10,000 Crystals for Energy. Your reward for this swap is 500 Energy units, which is 5%.

Last updated